Data Analytics Pipeline

Detect Anomalies with the Power of AI: FieldSense

FieldSense implements all popular machine learning scenarios to analyze your business processes and detects anomalies.

Machine Learning is the Way to Go!

Data Analytics Pipeline can provide custom analyses and raise alerts with its industry standart machine learning techniques.

Continuous Improvement is Achieveable with Fieldscope

Fieldscope is packed with top-notch analytics and AI features to ensure easy monitoring of your company’s operations and continuously make recommendations for improvements.

Sustain Optimum Efficiency From Start to Finish

Once revealed, all anomalies can be corrected with recommendations. Our powerful AI Engine analyses previous data and provides optimal solutions.

Case Studies

  • Anomaly/Outlier detection
  • Off-target objective detection, based on time series data
  • Sales and demand forecasting
  • Restock requirement prediction
  • Customer segmentation based on past assignments
  • Customer clustering based on unpredictable dimensions
  • Product recommendation

Fieldscope can integrate with any area of your business.
Let's talk!

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