Maximize Your Presence in The Field

Collect all the data from sales points including price, product availability and shelf share to expand & maximize your presence in the field!

Let AI do the hard work - FieldSense Optimization Suite will plan for you

Let the power of AI organize & optimize territories and routes for your operation. The FieldSense Optimization Suite balances workload between team members, creates geographically compact territories, makes sure every personnel is close by for emergencies and enables fast response times.

Customize Collectible Data - Form Designer

Easily customize all the data you collect with the Form Designer! Forms concerning availability of the products, prices and shelf shares are provided within the starting template.

Harness the Workflow Builder

Confirm accuracy of the available data and process according to your company procedure with the Workflow Builder.

Are you ready to enhance your operations?

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AI Powered Anomaly Detection and Early Warning Alarms

Detecting anomalies becomes easy with AI Powered Anomaly Detection! Examine macro and/or micro scale data from the stores & set alarms for specific changes over time.

Multi-Platform Mobile Application

Cutting edge mobile application ensuring a gamified intuitive user experience that works offline and online. With geofencing you’ll always be sure every task is completed at the right location.

Advanced Supervisor Functionality

Manage & monitor your field team’s tasks and performance in real time! Providing a multi-level hierarchy structure; direct supervisors and other supervising personnel can instantly update personnel tasks via the mobile application.

QR Code Information System

Embed valuable in-store encrypted data into QR codes and place them into strategic store locations for later use and easy access to stored data.

Fully customizable interactive dashboards using FieldAnalytics

“Merchandising” starting templates will provide you interactive dashboards that will let you track all of your variables from compact dashboards. You can customize dashboards, set alarms for specific actions & automate emails to enhance your operations!

Fieldscope can integrate with any area of your business.
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