
Analyze Data in Real-time With FieldAnalytics & FieldSense

Standartize and perpetuate good performance by uncovering and eliminating weak areas in your workflow. Fieldscope’s integrated BI solution, FieldAnalytics and AI engine, FieldSense helps you analyze complex data with a customizable dashboard.

Gain a 360° View With Top-Notch AI Capabilities

Fieldscope is packed with customizable reports, graphics and analytics with AI features to ensure easy monitoring of your company’s operations while continuously making recommendations for improvements.

Distrubute Important Data Organization-Wide

Easily distribute charts, reading material and reports organization-wide and monitor progression. Make your critical data visible at all times to all parties.

Monitor Activity to Prevent Work Fraud

Make sure your team holds up your company’s standarts with activity monitoring. Highly capable geo-fencing restrictions, set minimum visit duration and detailed checklists prevent errors from being overlooked.

Fieldscope can integrate with any area of your business.
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